International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate Criteria

Subject: International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate Criteria

Within the scope of the “Regulation on International Health Tourism and Tourist Health” (“Regulation”) published in the Official Gazette on 3.7.2017, it has been made obligatory to obtain an International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate for all kinds of health services to be provided to real persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Turkey or the persons who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey but residing abroad that come to our country temporarily from abroad for the purpose of benefiting from health services in Turkey. International Health Services Incorporated Company (“USHAŞ”), which was established with Decree No. 663, promotes the services offered in Turkey in the field of international health services, supports and coordinates the activities of the public and private sectors for health tourism, and provides services with policies and strategies regarding international health services. It started its activities on 04/02/2019 as the relevant institution of the Ministry of Health to make recommendations to the Ministry on presentation standards and accreditation criteria. The authorization procedures of the institutions that will operate in international health tourism intermediary services are carried out by USHAŞ.

1. Competency Criteria for Organizations to Operate in International Health Tourism Intermediary Services

 The Intermediary Institution must have the infrastructure to provide services in at least two foreign languages, one of these language must be English, in order to answer incoming calls. Apart from the staff who will answer the calls, it is obligatory to employ at least two staff who speak a foreign language, at least one of this language must be English. For the foreign language proficiency required by the staff, at least one of the following documents must be possessed:

Qualification Criteria


ÖSYM Exams

It is necessary to get a score equivalent to a minimum of 65 points from another exam with YDS or YDS equivalent (such as KPDS, ÜDS, YÖKDİL, TOEFL, IELTS).

Translator - Interpreter

Persons to be employed in this status must have a translator/interpreter diploma at the bachelor degree.

Document Showing The
B2 Language Level

It is necessary to have a document showing the B2 Language level in the European Language Portfolio in English or the language in which the Service will be provided.

Document Showing The
B2 Language Level

Dual citizens are required to have a document showing the B2 Language level in the European Language Portfolio for the Turkish language.


2. Required Subjects to Recognisance by the Intermediary Institution

The Intermediary Institution should have a website that supports at least 3 languages, 2 of these language must be Turkish and English, and this website should contain the necessary explanations about the issues that the international health tourist may want to receive information about. Another requirement is that the Intermediary Institution publishes the contractual health facilities and provides detailed information about these health facilities.
The Intermediary Institution undertakes to take out travel insurance to cover the entire trip of the international health tourist. In addition, it undertakes to conduct research by forwarding the medical information and / or documents of the health tourist to the health facility that is suitable for the health service that the international health tourist wants to receive. It informs the international health tourist about the approximate service cost and payment terms by obtaining information from the health facility about the health service fee that the international health tourist will receive, providing detailed information about the health facilities that can provide the health service that the international health tourist wants to receive.
International health tourists are informed by the Intermediary Institution on issues such as travel in Turkey, passport, urban transportation, communication and consular procedures. Apart from this, the Intermediary Institution undertakes to ensure that international health tourists and who come with the international health tourist arrive in Turkey, stay and return to their countries. It is also necessary to provide services such as transferring the international health tourist to the international health tourism health facility where he will receive service, contacting the international health tourism unit in the facility and delivering the tourist to this unit, and picking them up from the facility after discharge.
The Intermediary Institution is obliged to act in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 of 24/03/2016 regarding all kinds of information obtained from the international health tourist during its activities, as well as to keep all documents related to its activities for the periods specified in the relevant legislation. The Intermediary Institution should provide detailed information to the international health tourist and the persons who come with him about the services and their informed consent form should be obtained. This notification can also be made electronically.
The recognisance must be made by the Intermediary Institution regarding the fulfillment of each criterion mentioned above. The fulfillment of these recognisances will be examined during the inspections whether to be done or not
To operate within the scope of international health tourism; the health facility and the intermediary institution must obtain an international health tourism authorization certificate. The international health tourism activities of those who do not receive a certificate of authorization are suspended by the Ministry. In order to be able to issue an International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate, the Intermediary Institution must fulfill the criteria specified in the International Health Tourism Intermediary Institution Competency Criteria, which is an annex to the Regulation. To obtain a certificate of authorization, the Intermediary Institution must apply to USHAŞ after fulfilled the above-mentioned criteria.